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Veranstaltungen | Parliamentary Elections in Belarus Parliamentary Elections in Belarus
Mi, 28. Februar 2024
10:00 - 11:30 Uhr
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Hybrid panel discussion

Scheduled for 25 February 2024, the parliamentary elections in Belarus will involve voting for local councils and the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Belarusian Parliament. Subsequently, a novel entity, the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly, will be constituted by the newly elected regional and national authorities.

These upcoming elections mark Belarus' first election since 2020, a tumultuous year when protests erupted following the presidential vote results, leading to a harsh crackdown by Alexander Lukashenko’s security forces on Belarusian society. What can we expect from this election campaign? How will Alexander Lukashenko present himself? And how will pro-democracy forces in and outside Belarus respond? Join our panel discussion with Belarusian and international experts to learn more about the main aspects of the parliamentary elections.

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